spit, in the “spit or swallow” paradigm.
do you r-j-c-l-t-, or are your bl-wj-bs actually worth the money?
(verb): to -j-c-l-t- (c-m/come/j-zz/nut/etc.) a second (or third, or fourth…) time in one s-xual encounter.
i hooked up with a multi–rg-smic guy last night: he came in my vadge, then r-j-c-l-t-d on my t-ts!
when the girl you just creampied sits up and squeezes your load out on to you.
my wife loves to r-j-c-l-t- all over me.
the leftover sperm from a previous -j-c-l-t–n that exits the body once urination occurs.
1. after i finished on stacy, i went to the bathroom and r-j-c-l-t-d.
2. its better to r-j-c-l-t- right after -j-c-l-t–n to avoid “clogging the pipes”.
1/ come again
2/ to exclaim, cry out or say in surprise more than once
1/ man, that was such a s-x session i had with your mother last night – i must have r-j-c-l-t-d 3 or 4 times!
2/ “ouch!” yelped the drunk husband as he smashed his shins into the coffee table in the dark when he came home from the pub.
“ouch! ouch! ouch!” he r-j-c-l-t-d when he woke up the next morning to find the ticking of his watch sounded like big ben.
when you m-st-rb-t- and then have s-x in the same day
guy #1 ” dude last night was awesome i jacked-off and then f-cked this girl and came again.”
guy #2 ” whoa, you r-j-c-l-t-d”
guy #1 ” cool!”
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