Rez Fans

sports fans of the navajo nation of arizona.

extremely p-ssionate for basketball games.

sometimes football and volleyball.

nearly 20,000 rez fans drive 300 plus miles to pack the seats of the nau walkup skydome, coyote stadium, arena, and us airways center (america west arena) to watch high school basketball.

the reason why almost every high school on the navajo reservation has built a new basketball stadium.

maybe the biggest and strongest high school fan bases in the usa.

almost like a gathering of the nations but in phoenix.

phoenix local 1: “uh oh, it’s that time of year again! playoff high school basketball! you guys better reserve your seating for your restaurants — now! mexican, chinese, buffets, steakhouses…they’ll be packed pretty soon!”

aia: “yes! yes! yes! we will bring the basketball tickets from 5 dollars to 8 dollars. then next year they will be 10 dollars! oh yes! yes! (evil laugh)”

rez fan 1: “mv’s going to state! are you gonna watch the game?”

rez fan 2: “i might b-mp into my ex.”

rez fans: “yay, go-go, go son, go yaz, boo, aaah, they almost had it, what foul? ‘ref’s game’! ref’s game!!!”
cheering, laughing, applauding, yelling, stomping, jumping, screaming, praying, doing the wave, eating nachos-hamburgers-curly fries-pizza, saving seats, pendleton blanket covering 5 seats……………………………………!

5a, 4a, 3a(east, west, south) fans: “um…hmmm…uh…duh…mmm…go team go???”

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