an awesome song by soundgarden. released on their fifth studio alb-m, down on the upside.
standing with my enemies
hung on my horns
with haste and reverie
killing with charm
2 more definitions
directions on becoming a rhinosaur. step 1, make a fist. step 2, put the fist on ur nose. step 3, stick out your pinky. step 4, yell rooooooar and bulge your eyes. preferably while listening to soundgarden. you only truly become a rhinosaur after being indited by myself or anyone i deem worthy.
rooooooooooooooooooooooar i’m i rhinosaur!!
a rhino that did a dinosaur.
person 1:”so cl-ss, what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.”
person 2:”rhinosaurs!”
person 1:”let’s have s-x!”
person 2:”and make a rhinosaur!”
person 2:”rarrrrrg!!!
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