
a person who will love everyone except you and you’ll keep longing for their love but they’ll start hitting on your best friends
ritvika, please don’t leave me

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  • rickie

    a super nice person who is taken for granted and doesnt do anything about it, shes really pretty and smart. woah look at rickie, shes so gorgeous the ugliest man alivie and the stupidest (acts like a f-ckboy.) but only cares about himself and not others around him. more than likely being called “d-ckie..” wow […]

  • scuffgod

    a legend who is a rap god and hypebeast bruh see that clean g there? yeah, he’s lookin like scuffgod

  • wifisfuneral

    a guy who makes really fire beats and freestyles h-lla good i wish i could rap like wifisfuneral

  • chaeyoon

    chaeyoon is a name that is originally from korea. chaeyoon is a very colourful girl, she is a bright person too. she is very talented in the arts, and she is also gifted in academics. she is smart and clever, and makes a wonderful friend. chaeyoon is a very gufted girl.

  • kick it up

    when your friends want you to smoke a big -ss joint with them aye foo let’s kick it up tonight bet , who’s buying ?

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