1. roomie means roommate
2. roomie is also the name of an amazing youtube sensation. he often covers viral videos and is in love with oreo cookies.
1. omg, my roomie keeps on leaving empty cartons of milk in the fridge -_-
2. it’s roomie tuesday! time to watch a fudge load of his youtube videos, because joel’s my 42
ask for favors without anything giving in return and then blame people if they stop helping out after a while and start to complain so you get actually more done from them).
he went totally roomie on us. (he started to complain and wanted us to do even more for him).
room mate.
someone who eats your food without permission.
my roomie just ate my centerlink allowance!
shortened version of roommate
not actually a chick word
`–> though this term is occasionally construed as girlish, it is fully acceptable from males as well.
jerry: i have lots of bottled water!
andrew: my roomie drinks water.
jerry: cool beans.
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