when you place a syringe inside you t-st-cl- and suck out a gel like substance. this can be down to yourself or someone else. you can then stick the syringe onto to someone else.
“dude! you just got sacrottaed lol.”
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- Salad Patch
when a guy puts a cut up carrot, a sliced tomato and a head of lettuce inside of a girl’s v-g-n- and tops it with his own special sauce, then enjoys a tasty snack. i hear you can get a good salad patch at west potomac high school
- salay
french creole form “salted” in english slang; meaning to be embarrased/made a fool of. kid a: oh man i just cr-pped my pants. haitian kid: pet-t salay oui. kid: oui oui.
- salem shampoo
a s-xual act in which one flexible man f-ll-t-s himself, and retains the s-m-n expelled from his p-n-s in his mouth, before spitting it into the hair of his partner (usually another man). so he said he was going to show me a neat trick, and then he gave me a salem shampoo.
- Salsa slit
a derogatory term for a v-g-n- after either a long hot day or a ph in-balance of the ‘knicker fat’ in and around the koosal area. pedro: “awww man was munching this bird out and it was well tangy… i was like b-tch you need to clean your mushka once in a while” crosby: “naaahhh […]
- saltine
a saltine is a person who is a cracker/cracka and is also a square. the term is derived from the famous saltine brand of crackers, which are square shaped. that dude is a muddafuggin saltine — a cracka and a square! most simple, delightful, addictive cracker every created. put em’ in soup, put some peanutb-tter […]