when you fart after having -n-l s-x, thereby releasing some frothy, p–py, lube-y, santorum along with your intestinal gases.
after we banged i let out a huge santart.
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- nostril
1) opening in the nose that varies in size and shape from person to person. used for sniffing, breathing and smelling. how you finger gets into your nose. a c-keheads favourite thing “fuuuuuuuuucccckk man, this sh-t is goooooooood” noun-a greedy poker player that sometimes steals your lunch. adj-an object that grows under ice and your […]
- quijada
a s-xy latino blackout, usually blessed extremely large t-st-cl-s that can have the capacity to destroy anything in their path. a quijada typically loves getting extremely wasted and leading on girls with his suave personality, but usually ends up ditching them in an attempt to obtain tacos. that guy is such a quijada, he ditched […]
- scientmagician
one who uses real science as part of an act of magic in front of an audience. see also scientmatician we are going to see the show tonight! he’s a scientmagician and he’s only in town for two nights!
- cunnanago
the biggest insult you could ever say to a person without using foul language (cursing) her: you are a cunnanago for cheating on me i never want to ever see u again! him: well cunnanago you to then, u weren’t any good anyway!
- eat my brain
a more aggressive, in-depth, informative approach to picking ones brain for information. adjective: “hey steve, i know you really want to come work at the company i’m at. want to eat my brain about it over drinks later? “