schlaggy tuesday

(noun): the act of getting schlagered on a tuesday. every tuesday, falling face first hands second and completely getting schlaged out of this world. a very f-cked up tuesday.
person one: “what you doing tuesday”
person two: “not sure, i think im gonna go for a schlaggy tuesday”

“i never want schlaggy tuesday to happen to me”

“i cant believe i just had a schlaggy tuesday”

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  • renachi-nah-nah

    an idiotic, dumb-ss, who is very annoying and has no life and also deserves to die in a hole ☠️ renachi-nah-nah you are so annoying and dumb

  • cholette

    a cl-ssy -ss chola d-mn morena, raise your pinky. you a cholette.

  • tragalopocis

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  • lomando

    drug lords, love fat backwoods n pouring up wockhardt all day. fat dabs low temp. cousin killed sum1 locked away 4 life #did12nowimout . move pounds to get around yurd my oldest son gabe will crack ya skull dont front b-tch. yo u seee that boii over der he gon get lomando’d if he say […]

  • holeeedaaaz

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