the word to use when there is no other word possible. a filler for when one has nothing to say.
person 1: hey, how’s your day going?
person 2: schnood.
the process where by an uncirc-msized male engulfs the head of a curc-msized males p-n-s with the tip of his own
matty is schnooding with shawn
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- schnooglette
one who schnoogles, generally of the female pursuasion. austyn is the schnooglette supreme.
- styngn
it means anything and everything you want it to its ever universal thats styngn
- Schoop
the sound of forceing diarrhea out of ones but hole. “dude, i just had the loudest schoop of my life” greg: “did you hear that guy in the bathroom?” mike: “yeah, that was one loud schoop!” school cafeteria waste. specifically, the food that goes uneaten and put all together in a dumpster. guy 1: dude! […]
- Scott Brown Cosmo
noun – indicates that a person is getting screwed, although they may not be receiving health care services. alternative – used to describe the pity f-ck health care advocates give one another upon the death of health care reform legislation. etymology – based on newly elected sen. scott brown’s (r-ma) election and his nude photo […]
- schwacket
an article of clothing that is a combination of a sweater and a jacket. is that a jacket you’re trying on? no silly, it’s a schwacket.