sexual misconduct

n. a sweeping phrase used to describe any range of behavior involving s-x, intimacy, or genitalia that is alleged to be inappropriate by the accuser or the speaker. the behavior may be illegal such as extortion, -ssault and battery, or indecent exposure, but more often it is a legally ambiguous situation where two consenting adults were involved in the situation until one partic-p-nt, usually the woman, seeks to contest the context, unspoken -ssumptions, or power dynamics in the circ-mstance. the disclosing party usually wishes to publicly expose or air moral qualms with the situation. whether or not the conduct is truly wrong depends on ones personal views on matters involving gender roles, s-x, marriage, jocular conduct, and workplace norms. the phrase is closely -ssociated with the #metoo movement whose proponents call for shifting the balance of power between genders in the workplace and opponents accuse the movement of being joyless manhaters.
i thought i had a decent role as an actress but then i needed to meet with the producer at his hotel. when he walked into the room wearing only a robe i bolted and then lost my job. that’s s-xual misconduct!

i was like on this first date with a dude and he didn’t ask if i wanted white or red wine. when we got to his house he tried to hook up right away win any conversation. after a night of raunchy oral s-x i really regretted it. that’s s-xual misconduct!

wow. the anchor of a morning tv show called *me*, a 21 year old intern, to his office and exposed his johnson then walked away. he hasn’t fired me or even acknowledged my existence before or since. that guy is a strange dude and i’d say that was s-xual misconduct.
n. a sweeping phrase used to describe any range of behavior involving s-x, intimacy, or genitalia that is alleged to be inappropriate by the accuser or the speaker. the behavior may be illegal such as extortion, -ssault and battery, or indecent exposure, but more often it is a legally ambiguous situation where two consenting adults were involved in the situation until one partic-p-nt, usually the woman, seeks to contest the context, unspoken -ssumptions, or power dynamics in the circ-mstance. the disclosing party usually wishes to publicly expose or air moral qualms with the situation. whether or not the conduct is truly wrong depends on ones personal views on matters involving gender roles, s-x, marriage, jocular conduct, and workplace norms. the phrase is closely -ssociated with the #metoo movement whose proponents call for shifting the balance of power between genders in the workplace and opponents accuse the movement of being joyless manhaters.
i thought i had a decent role as an actress but then i needed to meet with the producer at his hotel. when he walked into the room wearing only a robe i bolted and then lost my job. that’s s-xual misconduct!

i was like on this first date with a dude and he didn’t ask if i wanted white or red wine. when we got to his house he tried to hook up right away win any conversation. after a night of raunchy oral s-x i really regretted it. that’s s-xual misconduct!

wow. the anchor of a morning tv show called *me*, a 21 year old intern, to his office and exposed his johnson then walked away. he hasn’t fired me or even acknowledged my existence before or since. that guy is a strange dude and i’d say that was s-xual misconduct.

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