
a dank meme lord
oh look its a sharvani

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    very beautiful, smart, sweet and nice. a word to describe girls that are born once in a lifetime. person a: “i don’t know man, this girl is perfect, she literally has no flaws”. person b: “you really scored a guzal bro, i’m really proud”.

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    when a girl sucks your d-ck so hard you start to p-ss on her mouth guy: yesterday night my gf got peef-cked

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    a search performed on google maps for girthy men. how did you meet this guy? i found him using google girth yo.

  • chunky tomato bisque

    when you bang instantly after giving birth. wow that delivery was tough, but i’m definitely ready for a chunky tomato bisque!

  • hinnant

    a skinny g-y -ss man who loves sucking children’s toes while teaching them about abe lincolin ew! that man is such a hinnant.

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