
mother brown bear in the native american medicine wheel is the most kindest person you will ever come across however, she is useless in a crisis (occasionally) and has a tendency to find things very funny 24/7. not to be crossed when tired, she loves to clean and stay out of trouble – thus meaning that she’ll do what ever she can to avoid an argument. making delicious food often comes with a downside: a messy kitchen that shelinas cannot cope with. a real family person, shelinas will always make time for their family but often need to get away from it all by “going for coffee.” (note: sometimes when shelinas let it be known that they are going out, it can sometimes be used as just as an excuse to have coffee due to their addiction to the social event.) shelinas cannot stand to stand still, they always need to have ” things to do, places to go, people to see.” they are often incredibly giggly too. often feel like they sound like adele in their head but that does not come across in their singing. are almost always on pinterest and have a weakness for minion quotes. but they always deserve more than they get. shelinas are incredibly rare. if you do manage to find a shelina, count yourself incredibly lucky. you’d do well to hold onto her. but then again, what’s that got to do with the price of bread?
mam: child, h-llo, it’s me
child: mam you is a shelina not an adele
mam: child why?
child: because your adele voice isn’t coming out like an adele voice
mam: dang kid, you right
mother brown bear in the native american medicine wheel is the most kindest person you will ever come across however, she is useless in a crisis (occasionally) and has a tendency to find things very funny 24/7. not to be crossed when tired, she loves to clean and stay out of trouble – thus meaning that she’ll do what ever she can to avoid an argument. making delicious food often comes with a downside: a messy kitchen that shelinas cannot cope with. a real family person, shelinas will always make time for their family but often need to get away from it all by “going for coffee.” (note: sometimes when shelinas let it be known that they are going out, it can sometimes be used as just as an excuse to have coffee due to their addiction to the social event.) shelinas cannot stand to stand still, they always need to have ” things to do, places to go, people to see.” they are often incredibly giggly too. often feel like they sound like adele in their head but that does not come across in their singing. are almost always on pinterest and have a weakness for minion quotes. but they always deserve more than they get. shelinas are incredibly rare. if you do manage to find a shelina, count yourself incredibly lucky. you’d do well to hold onto her. but then again, what’s that got to do with the price of bread?
mike: hey whats your name
shelina: -giggles-
mike: shelina? :d

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