slapd-ck, someone who doesnt know what the h-ll their doing, and proceeds to f-ck up
what in the h-ll where you thinking you slapd-ck!
slap d-ck- one for whom even the simplest task represents a monumental challenge. one who is forced to re-learn all tasks on a daily basis due to exceedingly low intellect.
when evan confessed he accidently scalded himself in the shower every morning he was instantly recognized as a total slap d-ck.
someone who doesn’t know what the h-ll they are doing or what is going on. an idiot who never knows anything.
– “doesn’t brett know that the street he just turned into is a dead end?”
– “d-mn what a f-cking slapd-ck, he always gets lost”
a sh-t-for-brains who doesn’t know his -ss from a hole in the ground.
rob is such a slap d-ck. he p-ssed all over his roommates key board last night.
slapd-ck,someone who doesn’t know what the h-ll they’re doing and proceeds to f-ck up
what in the h-ll where you thinking you slapd-ck!
a word that an old white drunk guy calls someone to get their attention. the guy is usually the village idiot and has a scr-p pile in his backyard.
heyy slapd-ck how about you come over here and drink a beer?
usually referred to as “that guy” at a party or anywhere for that matter who just can’t seem to say or do anything remotely intellectual or worth-while..
john: “hey baby, do have a mirror in your pocket?”
betty: “what a slap-d-ck, get lost.”
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