smacks of

appear to have a quality of something positive or negative
the new ipad smacks of inconvenience.

this party totally smacks of awesomeness!

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    an absolute b-tch who uses generally sly and dirty ways to break up with you. this is even worse if she happens to be religious and protestant. also, a girlish woman who uses your heart and leaves it withered away man i can’t believe she told me her parents were getting divorced so she could […]

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  • clam chowder shower

    when a man -j-c-l-t-s on a women’s face and/or body and p-sses a kidney stone at the same time. guy 1: dude my d-ck still hurt after i clam chowder showered that hoe. guy 2: you should get that sh-t checked out bro.

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