
suck my d-ck for money.
smdfm hoe!

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  • outbrain

    one of the largest sources of click bait garbage and ads disguised as news. pure trash. should be deleted from the internet. i saw a news article from outbrain that says there is a cure for diabetes using this one weird trick. i clicked on it, and it took me to a website with naked […]

  • rwnd

    a shortened version of “ruined”. basically another way of saying “rekt”. wow man you just got rwnd.

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    when you grab your flipper and smack you girls flaps so hard i just flipperty-flap my gf

  • tyler magoon

    someone who loves to suck d-ck that’s a tyler magoon

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    to thrive exclusively on the thought, idea, action or concept of s-x and horniness. this incudes the ability to drive any and all conversations, through intention or unintention to a discussion about s-x in some form or another. “that’s what she said”, said frank. “you are such a hornivorous guy”, sarah responded when asking “where […]

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