
purcy’s b-tch
squidjet fetch me my drink.

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    camilie is not that good at math, she tends to yell alot and annoy the people around her. sometimes her voice can annoy you because its very high pitched. you can not take her serious when shes p-ssed off. some common phrases from her would be, “you guys are p-ssing me off”, “so im number […]

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    when a girl farts and it gets sucked into her vigina. then at a later time she releases it. f-ck tom i went down on kristy last night and she totally blew a regurgitated fart into my mouth

  • havelin

    havelin is so dumb, he thinks he’s smart but he’s not. havelin thinks he knows everything but he doesn’t. havelin is really annoying and doesn’t know when to shut up. oh no it’s havelin we better leave before he sees us!

  • gmsc

    g-y male seeking companionship “hey, i’m a gmsc” “oh, awesome, let’s go back to my place and i’ll stick it in ya p–per”

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