swanky tooth

a male. usually by the name ‘kyan’. he repels all the ladies but one. his true love. he is a great conversationalist and normally has a small p-n-s.
‘woah it’s sw-nky tooth!!!!’

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  • moebe philler

    defention of r-t-rded ex who needs lots of attention to survive a dention of a moebe philler”i just fell in love with this dude” week later “he broke up with me plox give attention”

  • knuckz

    an extremely attractive male who’s face is often spammed in online chats you lookin so fine i’m boutta bust a knuckz

  • kayden (female)

    beautiful tried to find ways to make things work even if they know it wont, a kind caring person who sees what’s on the inside and not the outside… also she gives the meet hugs man i want a girlfriend like kayden (female) she is perfect for me.

  • kyawn

    the s-xiest dude you’ll ever meet or see in your life the true definition of manly also the strongest man ever hes just like kyawn

  • tallowycape

    1. the one himself cape it’s your boi cape, (tallowycape)

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