nurturer, caregiver. stubborn at times and strong-willed. likely to hurt one’s feelings if unprepared for brutal honesty but well-intentioned and loving. loves to laugh but because of past hurts may mask her tenderness by putting up a wall. once you crack her sh-ll she’s a kitty cat. thelma’s have a wild side as well – get to know one…
thelma is so crazy all she’s missing is her partner in crime, louise (ala thelma and louise).
that’s actually my name, too!!!!
the name thelma is so punk rock!
a nice pretty cool,and a great friend
thelma is da coolest person i would ever know well dis is your b-day hope ya like it!
pace jon
thelma and her man evan are the best couple.
thelma is one of the nicest girls that i have ever meet.
refers to the state of temporary blindness and pain incurred after male -j-c-l-t–n lands in your eyes, which makes you act like “thelma” from the “scooby doo” cartoon series…
(the one with gl-sses, who constantly had to search the ground for them as they would fall off her face!)
i got given a thelma last night, and my eyes wouldn’t stop watering for 20 minutes.. in which time he stole my purse and ran!
a really ugly name that reminds you of an old hag and is usually the name of an old lady or grandma who hates kids and loves to nag. old fashioned person who thinks wearing mini skirts is evil.
“whats your name>?
“oh that’s my grandma’s name, too!”
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