toilet brush
an impliment for removing skid marks from the toilet bowl. manufacturers tend to stick to the r-t-rded notion that it should be white.
bill: i used the toilet brush the other day because i know you hate a messy bowl.
anne: i know. i had to use your toothbrush to get the dried sh-t off the white bristles.
a term used to describe a very thin girl with lots of pubic hair.
although i prefer girls who shave, i still will occasionally f-ck a toilet brush.
a device typically used to brush off haters. usually used after one has dipped their hair in the toilet and proceeded to whip it back and forth.
when she came out the bathroom with her hair dripping wet but her clothes still on, we knew she had been brushing off the haters with her toilet brush.
a term given to the lesser cl-ss of citizen who bleech their hair,then spike it (usally at half an inch in length) using a very cheap ‘wet gel’.
its a term that explains itself if one trys to imagine somebody wit short hair putting their head down a toilet that is filled with bleech.the term then refers to what they look like when they take their head out.
a:that guy is such a noob!!
b:what guy???
a:toilet brush over there -points-
b:oh ya,i agree!!!
a brush used for breaking large faeces, separating (or getting covered in) sp-nk and pushing rubbish down in a toilet.
“dude, i owned you with my toilet brush!”
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