the act of being a tool.
rich has himself all over his mysp-ce. that is the most tooltacular thing that you can do!
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what happens when you’ve just placed toothpaste on your toothbrush, you get distracted by something in another room, and it falls off into the sink. i had just put the paste on my brush when my roommate grabbed my attention, and right before he finished speaking, i heard a splat. the toothpaste i had just […]
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- poopcopter
a circular movement with a sock containing human faeces (ref ‘p–psock’) and once in a while spats of human faeces will fly out, colliding other objects in the vicinity. a: w00t, look i’m a p–pcopter!!! going round and round. b: hey look, a p–pcopter! ah, cr-p, p–p on my shirt