
viewtiful simply means a beautiful view. this is often used on long road trips or when you see some nice scenery. a place can also be viewtiful such as a picnic spot.
wow. what a viewtiful town.
this picnic spot is viewtiful!
beyond cool, often stylish; excellent
derivation – atsushi inaba’s game, viewtiful joe
life is viewtiful.
“beautiful view”; something extremely stylish, flashy, attractive, s-xy or aesthetically appealing. can also be used alternately with/instead of “beautiful,” i.e. “viewtiful world.”
source: viewtiful joe (gamecube game made by capcom)
“that move…that one you did back there? it was…viewtiful! tell me, what do they call you?”
“viewtiful joe!”
the word “viewtiful” created by capcom for the video game “viewtiful joe”

viewtiful now meaning, something or someone that/who is at a level that is so high to call it or them beautiful is a gross understatement.
my girlfriend “mary-joy” is amazingly viewtiful
(from the hit video game “veiwtiful joe”)

1) beautiful view. somthing so pleasing to the eye your head explodes.

2) beyond awesome. the truest, and purest form of greatness.
1) that move was so viewtiful, i ruptured my spleen by just watching it.

2) “the last samurai” was a viewtiful movie.
the sheer viewty overwhelms you, simply calling somone ‘beautiful’ just wont suffice – viewtiful is the highest form of -ss-kickery.
when he awoke his heroness joe found he could…

speed up…
slow down

that was viewtiful!
something flashy or stylish. someone
with superpowers.
joe is viewtiful!
a fictional movie company in the game “viewtiful joe”.
captain blue is created by team viewtiful

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