
“voot” is an exclamation, originally seen written in email or on usenet (now in web-forums).

it means joy, pride, accomplishment, or, most often, sudden gain.
voot! i just got married!

voot — check out this deal i found!

voot! i win!!

voot! i’m a total brain!
a girl who is s hot she makes you j-zz before you even get a b-n-r…
man that girl is such a voot!! i just creamed myself before i could get a b-n-r.
v-g-n-l toot. a female friendly form of the word queef.
contessa voot’d during a p-ssionate love making session. it was cute. it was a “voot”
the sound your phone makes when it vibrates on a solid surface
i’ma get a call back from that interview any day.

voot voot voot voot.

oh sh-t its them!
something is cute that you can hardly contain yourself. makes you feel like its so cute you could squeeze it until it’s head pops off. other reaction are grinding of the teeth.
omg that kitten is so small and fluffy i just want to squeeze it forever…that give me voot!
diminutive of the verb vootar – to depart, to split, to leave; as a silent or clandestine way of communicating the desire to leave/”split”/depart a place

signified by extending the second and third fingers of one hand and curling the first and fourth finger under the thumb with one’s palm facing inward, so as to spell out “v o o t” with the fingers – if you look, first at the 2 extended fingers (v) the two curled under fingers from the side (o & o) and the index finger touching the thumb (t)
you are at a party. it’s lame. you flash the “voot” sign to your friends; they agree and you’re outta there.
while in a motor vehicle, getting the better of someone else in their motor vehicle. inversely while in your motor vehicle someone else in a motor vehicle gets the better of you.

voot is a vehicle f-ck.
someone cuts you off and you miss your exit on the highway. you just got vooted. aka: you just got f-cked 🙂

you manage to grab that last parking sp-ce just before the other person gets there. you vooted him.

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  • Vorgan

    a v-g-n-. usually used to describe a somewhat gross looking v-g-n-. christ, did you see the vorgan on that one? or my vorgan is leaking menstrual blood.

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  • VQV

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  • vtec boy

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