when something ‘dodgy’, or out of the ordinary occurs to the benefit of the individual involved. mainly a gamers term in reference to a person who’s done well in a game, or aquired a rare item.
oh my god! w-nghax! you’ve aquired the best gun in the game!
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- Wank-Diet
a w-nk-diet is initiated by making a promise with oneself or another person(s) to not partic-p-te in the act of masturbating. optional: allowances at up to 1 -j-c-l-t–n per week bob: hey bro, wanna do some dutch rudder tonight? ted: no, i’m on a w-nk-diet. bob: good luck, i’ll just do the stranger instead
- wankulizer
the act of masturbating before sleeping to make yourself tired. jake: “i’m going to have a w-nkulizer and a nap before work”
- wannagrapher
a want-to-be or wannabe photographer. usually those people you see carting around five million dollars worth of camera gear. they know every theoretical rule and function of a camera, but couldn’t take a creative shot to save their lives. wannagrapher: “bah! you’re sh-tty lense has nothing on my l-series” photographer: “sure doesn’t. but money can’t […]
- Wapatarded
possesing the quality of a wapatard. see also: wapatard
- Warbird
an alpha-male. a man who is a legend in a community. the warbird may a local or global figure. sofi is the warbird. since attaining t-tle of warbird, no man has ever crossed the warbird and lived.