want no war

want no drama between each other
you don’t want no war with us

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  • rilynn

    someone who tends to be dramatic at times but is always one to put others before them self, very outgoing person when around the right people , but quite shy around the wrong rilynn is coming , it will be lit

  • bella hadid

    the girl who’s mans was taken away by selegend godmez bella hadid unfollowed selegend godmez because she’s jealous… jealousy is a disease xoxo

  • the max rudderham shit

    the max rudderham sh-t is the longest but smoothest sh-t you’ll ever see a boy had a long smooth sh-t , he is called max rudderham that’s why it’s called the max rudderham sh-t

  • travanna

    travanna is a term used for large man br–sts. wow that mans br–sts are really travanna!

  • tahjlyn

    cute loving person most likely have big lips good at sports and chill all the boys going to want her she the best friend anyone can have but if she tell u something mean she just telling the truth tahjlyn is a loving and cute person.

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