used to describe anyone whos cl-ssified as a “minority” and complains about something not going their way because of said defect. a non-white individual who really believes the worlds against them because of age, s-xual preference, race or s-x.
1. used to describe anyone whos cl-ssified as a “minority” and complains about something not going their way because of said defect. a non-white individual who really believes the worlds against them because of age, s-xual preference, race or s-x.
tyrone: “man these poe-lease be racist af”
p-ssenger in car: “tyrone. it was a school zone. and you were going 40 over.”
tyrone: “nah brah. if i was white, i’d got a warning in shiet”
feminist: “the patriarchy.”
standard issue female: “gizelle, what’s a matter today?”
feminist: “while i was at work. my supervisor tom told me it was “my turn” to clean the restroom. that’s s-xist. earlier he took me off the fry machine and had me make sandwiches. like that’s all women can do is make sandwiches and clean bathrooms.”
standard issue female: “you work at mcidiees gizelle.”
cis minority feminist meninist
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