
protocol, standard
an itu-t standard protocol suite for the dte-dce interface in a packet-switched network, approved by iso. x.25 defines standard physical layer, data link layer and network layers (layers 1 through 3). it was developed to describe how data p-sses into and out of public data communications networks. x.25 networks are in use throughout the world.
doc-ment: iso 8208.
several other itu-t recommendations are relevant to packet switching: x.3, x.28, x.29, x.75.

Read Also:

  • X-28

    x.28 the itu-t standard specifying how to control a pad from character-mode dte, approved by iso. (1995-01-31)

  • X-inactivation


  • X-75

    x.75 the itu-t standard specifying the protocols for communication between two psdns. (1995-01-31)

  • X-desktop

    x.desktop a desktop manager for unix from ixi.

  • X-open-system-interface

    x/open system interface

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