
a member of a religious sect living mostly in the kurdish areas of northern iraq, syria, armenia, and georgia, whose beliefs are based partly on zoroastrianism and sufism.
contemporary examples

fighting back with faith: inside the yezidis’ iraqi temple michael luongo august 20, 2014
fighting back with faith: inside the yezidis’ iraqi temple michael luongo august 20, 2014
fighting back with faith: inside the yezidis’ iraqi temple michael luongo august 20, 2014
fighting back with faith: inside the yezidis’ iraqi temple michael luongo august 20, 2014
fighting back with faith: inside the yezidis’ iraqi temple michael luongo august 20, 2014

historical examples

discoveries among the ruins of nineveh and babylon austen h. layard
the cradle of mankind w.a. wigram
the oriental religions in roman paganism franz c-mont
discoveries among the ruins of nineveh and babylon austen h. layard
discoveries among the ruins of nineveh and babylon austen h. layard

plural noun
a religious sect found in the kurdish areas of iraq, turkey, and syria, whose beliefs combine elements of zoroastrianism, islam, christianity, and other religions; in addition to believing in a supreme g-d, the yezidi worship seven angels, among whom is the devil, who is believed to have repented and been pardoned and reinstated as chief angel

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