
a magical black woman with mermaid eyebrows.
ziona has nice teeth.

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  • Patrick Bateman

    there aren’t any definitions for patrick bateman yet. can you define it?

  • Blwhite

    a white who thinks and wants to be black. guy: did you see that blwhite thug on 76th st? he thought he’s a real ghetto g-ngb-nger guy #2: he’s just a blwhite guy, common.

  • derpotato

    derp meaning kind of slow.. potato… meaning fat round and ugly.. put the two together you’re a slow fat ugly round thing. you’re welcome i was yelling at my girlfriend, she really is fat short and ugly so therefore i called her a derpotato. so there is my f-cking definition have a nice day now.

  • scribbing

    gently rubbing the fur off kiwifruit so you can eat the skin. “have you finished scribbing the fruit yet?”

  • mayor trap

    when a woman holds a man’s p-n-s inside of her v-g-n- with force causing him to -j-c-l-t- inside of her. aw man! i just got mayor trapped by my ex girlfriend! now i have to pay child support.

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