
a suffix with the general sense “of the kind of, pertaining to, having the form or character of” that named by the stem, occurring in loanwords from latin (autumnal; natural; pastoral), and productive in english on the latin model, usually with bases of latin origin (accidental; seasonal; tribal). originally, -al1 was restricted to stems not containing an -l- (cf. ar-1. ); recent lapses in this rule have produced semantically distinct pairs, as familiar and familial.
compare -ical, -ial
a suffix forming nouns from verbs, usually verbs of french or latin origin:
denial; refusal.
chemistry. a suffix indicating that a compound contains an aldehyde group:
of; related to; connected with functional, sectional, tonal
word origin
from latin -ālis
the act or process of doing what is indicated by the verb stem reb-ttal, recital, renewal
word origin
via old french -aille, -ail, from latin -ālia, neuter plural used as substantive, from -ālis-al1
indicating an aldehyde eth-n-l
indicating a pharmaceutical product phen-barbital
word origin
shortened from aldehyde
suffix forming adjectives from nouns or other adjectives, “of, like, related to,” m.e. -al, -el, from o.fr. or directly from l. -alis (see -al (2)).
suffix forming nouns of action from verbs, mostly from latin and french, meaning “act of ______ing” (e.g. survival, removal), m.e. -aille, from fr. fem. sing. -aille, from l. -alia, neut. pl. of adj. suffix -alis, also used in english as a noun suffix. nativized in english and used with germanic verbs (e.g. bestowal, betrothal).

-al 3
aldehyde: butyral.

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