• Composting Toilet

    Composting toilet is a toilet that do not use any water. This type of toilet is a dry toilet. The toilet processes the human excreta by using harsh chemicals.

  • Puir

    adjective, Scot. 1. poor. 2. pure. adjective 1. a Scot word for poor

  • Puirtith

    noun 1. (Scot) poverty

  • Puisne

    adjective 1. Law. younger; inferior in rank; junior, as in appointment. noun 2. an associate judge as distinguished from a chief justice. adjective 1. (esp of a subordinate judge) of lower rank

  • Puissance

    noun, Literary. 1. power, might, or force. noun 1. a competition in showjumping that tests a horse’s ability to jump a limited number of large obstacles 2. (archaic or poetic) power

  • Cohabit

    [koh-hab-it] /koʊˈhæb ɪt/ verb (used without object) 1. to live together as if married, usually without legal or religious sanction. 2. to live together in an intimate relationship. 3. to dwell with another or share the same place, as different species of animals. /kəʊˈhæbɪt/ verb 1. (intransitive) to live together as husband and wife, esp […]

  • Appreciate

    to be grateful or thankful for: They appreciated his thoughtfulness. to value or regard highly; place a high estimate on: to appreciate good wine. to be fully conscious of; be aware of; detect: to appreciate the dangers of a situation. to raise in value. to increase in value: Property values appreciated yearly. Contemporary Examples But […]

  • Finitely

    [fahy-nahyt] /ˈfaɪ naɪt/ adjective 1. having bounds or limits; not infinite; measurable. 2. Mathematics. 3. subject to limitations or conditions, as of space, time, circumstances, or the laws of nature: man’s finite existence on earth. noun 4. something that is finite. /ˈfaɪnaɪt/ adjective 1. bounded in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent: a finite difference […]

  • Flush-girt

    noun, Carpentry. 1. a girt running parallel to joists and at the same level.

  • Guest-room

    noun 1. a room for the lodging of guests.