• Composting Toilet

    Composting toilet is a toilet that do not use any water. This type of toilet is a dry toilet. The toilet processes the human excreta by using harsh chemicals.

  • Puir

    adjective, Scot. 1. poor. 2. pure. adjective 1. a Scot word for poor

  • Puirtith

    noun 1. (Scot) poverty

  • Puisne

    adjective 1. Law. younger; inferior in rank; junior, as in appointment. noun 2. an associate judge as distinguished from a chief justice. adjective 1. (esp of a subordinate judge) of lower rank

  • Puissance

    noun, Literary. 1. power, might, or force. noun 1. a competition in showjumping that tests a horse’s ability to jump a limited number of large obstacles 2. (archaic or poetic) power

  • Indic

    [in-dik] /ˈɪn dɪk/ adjective 1. of or relating to India; Indian. 2. of or relating to Indic; Indo-Aryan. noun 3. a subgroup of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European languages that includes Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, and many other languages of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka; Indo-Aryan. 1. indicating. 2. . 3. . /ˈɪndɪk/ adjective 1. […]

  • Psychochemical

    [sahy-koh-kem-i-kuh l] /ˌsaɪ koʊˈkɛm ɪ kəl/ adjective 1. pertaining to chemicals or drugs that affect the mind or behavior. noun 2. any such substance, especially when used as a chemical warfare agent. psychochemical /ˌsaɪkəʊˈkɛmɪkəl/ noun 1. any of various chemical compounds whose primary effect is the alteration of the normal state of consciousness adjective 2. […]

  • Blistery

    having blisters, as paint or glass. Contemporary Examples An Obsessive’s Search for a Lost Jungle City Christopher S. Stewart December 29, 2012 Historical Examples Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine Walter H. Rich Local Color Irvin S. Cobb Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine Walter H. Rich Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of […]

  • Precipitancy

    or precipitance [pri-sip-i-tuh n-see] /prɪˈsɪp ɪ tən si/ noun, plural precipitancies. 1. the quality or state of being precipitant. 2. headlong or rash haste. 3. precipitancies, hasty or rash acts.

  • Tutsi

    noun, plural Tutsis (especially collectively) Tutsi. 1. a member of a very tall, slender, cattle-raising people of Rwanda and Burundi. noun (pl) -si, -sis 1. a member of a people of Rwanda and Burundi, probably a Nilotic people