
[pin-uh-kuh l] /ˈpɪn ə kəl/

a lofty peak.
the highest or culminating point, as of success, power, fame, etc.:
the pinnacle of one’s career.
any pointed, towering part or formation, as of rock.
Architecture. a relatively small, upright structure, commonly terminating in a gable, a pyramid, or a cone, rising above the roof or coping of a building, or capping a tower, buttress, or other projecting architectural member.
verb (used with object), pinnacled, pinnacling.
to place on or as on a pinnacle.
to form a pinnacle on; crown.
the highest point or level, esp of fame, success, etc
a towering peak, as of a mountain
a slender upright structure in the form of a cone, pyramid, or spire on the top of a buttress, gable, or tower
verb (transitive)
to set on or as if on a pinnacle
to furnish with a pinnacle or pinnacles
to crown with a pinnacle

c.1300, “mountain, peak, promontory,” from Old French pinacle “top, gable” (13c.) and directly from Late Latin pinnaculum “peak, pinnacle, gable,” diminutive of Latin pinna “peak, point,” (see pin (n.1)). Figurative use is attested from c.1400.

a little wing, (Matt. 4:5; Luke 4:9). On the southern side of the temple court was a range of porches or cloisters forming three arcades. At the south-eastern corner the roof of this cloister was some 300 feet above the Kidron valley. The pinnacle, some parapet or wing-like projection, was above this roof, and hence at a great height, probably 350 feet or more above the valley.

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