
[verb rey-dee-eyt; adjective rey-dee-it, -eyt] /verb ˈreɪ diˌeɪt; adjective ˈreɪ di ɪt, -ˌeɪt/

verb (used without object), radiated, radiating.
to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.
to emit rays, as of light or heat; irradiate.
to issue or proceed in rays.
(of persons) to project or glow with cheerfulness, joy, etc.:
She simply radiates with good humor.
verb (used with object), radiated, radiating.
to emit in rays; disseminate, as from a center.
(of persons) to project (joy, goodwill, etc.).
radiating from a center.
having rays extending from a central point or part:
a coin showing a radiate head.
radiating symmetrically.
verb (ˈreɪdɪˌeɪt)
Also eradiate. to emit (heat, light, or some other form of radiation) or (of heat, light, etc) to be emitted as radiation
(intransitive) (of lines, beams, etc) to spread out from a centre or be arranged in a radial pattern
(transitive) (of a person) to show (happiness, health, etc) to a great degree
adjective (ˈreɪdɪɪt; -ˌeɪt)
having rays; radiating
(of a capitulum) consisting of ray florets
(of animals or their parts) showing radial symmetry
adorned or decorated with rays: a radiate head on a coin

1610s, “spread in all directions from a point,” from Latin radiatus, past participle of radiare “to beam, shine, gleam; make beaming” (see radiation). Meaning “be radiant, give off rays (of light or heat)” is from 1704. Related: Radiated; radiates; radiating.

“having rays, furnished with rays, shining,” 1660s, from Latin radiatus (see radiate (v.)).

radiable ra·di·a·ble (rā’dē-ə-bəl)
Capable of being penetrated or examined by rays, especially x-rays.

radiate ra·di·ate (rā’dē-āt’)
v. ra·di·at·ed, ra·di·at·ing, ra·di·ates

ra’di·a’tive adj.

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