
[ree-suh nt] /ˈri sənt/

of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening, done, made, etc.:
recent events; a recent trip.
not long past:
in recent years.
of or belonging to a time not long past.
(initial capital letter) Geology. noting or pertaining to the present epoch, originating at the end of the glacial period, about 10,000 years ago, and forming the latter half of the Quaternary Period; Holocene.
Also called Holocene. (initial capital letter) Geology. the Recent Epoch or Series.
having appeared, happened, or been made not long ago; modern, fresh, or new
adjective, noun
(geology) another word for Holocene

early 15c., from Latin recentem (nominative recens) “lately done or made, new, fresh, young,” from re- (see re-) + PIE root *ken- “fresh, new, young” (cf. Greek kainos “new;” Sanskrit kanina- “young;” Old Irish cetu- “first;” Old Church Slavonic načino “to begin,” koni “beginning”). Related: Recently; recentness (1670s, but OED reports recency (1610s) was “Common in 19th c.”).
See Holocene.

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