
verb (used with object)
to bake (meat or other food) uncovered, especially in an oven.
to cook (meat or other food) by direct exposure to dry heat, as on a spit.
to brown, dry, or parch by exposure to heat, as coffee beans.
to cook or heat by embedding in hot coals, embers, etc.:
to roast chestnuts.
to heat excessively:
The summer sun has been roasting the entire countryside.
Metallurgy. to heat (ore or the like) in air in order to oxidize it.
to warm at a hot fire:
She roasted her hands over the fire.
Informal. to ridicule or criticize severely or mercilessly.
to honor with or subject to a roast:
Friends roasted the star at a charity dinner.
verb (used without object)
to roast meat or other food.
to undergo the process of becoming roasted.
roasted meat or a piece of roasted meat, as a piece of beef or veal of a quantity and shape for slicing into more than one portion.
a piece of meat for roasting.
something that is roasted.
the act or process of roasting.
Informal. severe criticism.
a facetious ceremonial tribute, usually concluding a banquet, in which the guest of honor is both praised and good-naturedly insulted in a succession of speeches by friends and acquaintances.
an outdoor get-together, as a picnic or barbecue, at which food is roasted and eaten:
a weenie roast.
roast beef.
verb (mainly transitive)
to cook (meat or other food) by dry heat, usually with added fat and esp in an oven
to brown or dry (coffee, etc) by exposure to heat
(metallurgy) to heat (an ore) in order to produce a concentrate that is easier to smelt
to heat (oneself or something) to an extreme degree, as when sunbathing, sitting before the fire, etc
(intransitive) to be excessively and uncomfortably hot
(informal) to criticize severely
something that has been roasted, esp meat


: this national love for a good ”roast,” this spirit of mockery


To make fun of; ridicule; insult, often in an affectionate way: had been roasted often by the critics as a ham (1710+)

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