
[suh-mat-uh-ploo r, soh-muh-tuh-] /səˈmæt əˌplʊər, ˈsoʊ mə tə-/
noun, Embryology.
the double layer formed by the association of the upper layer of the lateral plate of mesoderm with the overlying ectoderm, functioning in the formation of the body wall and amnion.
/ˈsəʊmətəˌplʊə; -ˌplɜː/
a mass of tissue in embryo vertebrates that is formed by fusion of the ectoderm with the outer layer of mesoderm: develops into the amnion, chorion, and part of the body wall

somatopleure so·mat·o·pleure (sō-māt’ə-plur’, sō’mə-tə-)
A complex sheet of embryonic cells formed by association of part of the mesoderm with the ectoderm and developing as the internal body wall.
so·mat’o·pleu’ral (-plur’əl) or so·mat’o·pleu’ric (-plur’ĭk) adj.

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