Technical degree

a technical degree is any type of education you receive that is not from an accredited college or university degree program. most programs are usually from a private school or some other type of non-federally funded inst-tution. there are many technical educational programs offered at private schools or non-federally funded inst-tutions that are considered technical degrees, for instance; cosmetology, barber, hvac, plumming, electrician, mechanic and so forth. most of these programs are 2 to 3 years and structured.
i have a technical degree in cosmetology.
means that the degree you got from a school is not accredited except at the school itself. there is a standard degree in which at the least takes 4 years and there is a technical degree which can take as little as 4 weeks. usually the schools that offer technical degrees are for-profit private schools which tend to butcher the course. such as taking out the standard liberal art requirements, taking out the requirements for advanced cl-sses, etc.

for the most part they are not accepted by other schools except the school you got it from. they tend to not be valued by employers. due to the fact that if a diploma says masters(type of degree) on it it technically doesn’t mean anything.
technical degree -ssociates of mathematics, technical bachelors of mathematics, etc.
#technical #degree #-ssociates #bachlors masters #doctorate

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