
inclined to give in; submissive; compliant:
a timid, yielding man.
tending to give way, especially under pressure; flexible; supple; pliable:
a yielding mattress.
(of a crop, soil, etc.) producing a yield; productive.
to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation:
this farm yields enough fruit to meet all our needs.
to produce or furnish (payment, profit, or interest):
a trust fund that yields ten percent interest annually; that investment will yield a handsome return.
to give up, as to superior power or authority:
they yielded the fort to the enemy.
to give up or surrender (oneself):
he yielded himself to temptation.
to give up or over; relinquish or resign:
to yield the floor to the senator from ohio.
to give as due or required:
to yield obedience to one’s teachers.
to cause; give rise to:
the play yielded only one good laugh.
to give a return, as for labor expended; produce; bear.
to surrender or submit, as to superior power:
the rebels yielded after a week.
to give way to influence, entreaty, argument, or the like:
don’t yield to their outrageous demands.
to give place or precedence (usually followed by to):
to yield to another; will the senator from new york yield?
to give way to force, pressure, etc., so as to move, bend, collapse, or the like:
i’ve pushed and pushed, but this door will not yield.
something yielded.
the quant-ty or amount yielded.
the act or process of yielding:
the yield of plastic materials under stress.
chemistry. the quant-ty of product formed by the interaction of two or more substances, generally expressed as a percentage of the quant-ty obtained to that theoretically obtainable.
the income produced by a financial investment, usually shown as a percentage of cost.
a measure of the destructive energy of a nuclear explosion, expressed in kilotons of the amount of tnt that would produce the same destruction.
contemporary examples

when reality-tv fame runs dry kate aurthur july 31, 2011
budget fight: obama needs to stop playing politics mark mckinnon april 14, 2011
how a thumb-sized gauge is revolutionizing traumatic brain injuries brian castner march 22, 2014
alibaba’s dark side: censoring customers brendon hong november 17, 2014
new york’s petty war on airbnb jim epstein october 11, 2013

historical examples

the wings of the morning louis tracy
k mary roberts rinehart
the knickerbocker, vol. 10, no. 1, july 1837 various
quaint courtships various
the psychology of singing david c. taylor

compliant, submissive, or flexible
pliable or soft: a yielding material
to give forth or supply (a product, result, etc), esp by cultivation, labour, etc; produce or bear
(transitive) to furnish as a return: the shares yielded three per cent
(transitive) often foll by up. to surrender or relinquish, esp as a result of force, persuasion, etc
(intransitive) sometimes foll by to. to give way, submit, or surrender, as through force or persuasion: she yielded to his superior knowledge
(intransitive) often foll by to. to agree; comply; -ssent: he eventually yielded to their request for money
(transitive) to grant or allow; concede: to yield right of way
(transitive) (obsolete) to pay or repay: g-d yield thee!
the result, product, or amount yielded
the profit or return, as from an investment or tax
the annual income provided by an investment, usually expressed as a percentage of its cost or of its current value: the yield on these shares is 15 per cent at today’s market value
the energy released by the explosion of a nuclear weapon expressed in terms of the amount of tnt necessary to produce the same energy
(chem) the quant-ty of a specified product obtained in a reaction or series of reactions, usually expressed as a percentage of the quant-ty that is theoretically obtainable

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