
allergy society of south africa

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    to refer casually or indirectly; make an (usually followed by to): he often alluded to his poverty. to contain a casual or indirect reference (usually followed by to): the letter alludes to something now forgotten. contemporary examples but last month, mousavi alluded to them, suggesting that his cabinet was kept in the dark. mysterious letter […]

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    to attract or tempt by something flattering or desirable. to fascinate; charm. to be attractive or tempting. fascination; charm; appeal. historical examples you would be astounded to learn how many ruined women are wives who have been allured to sin. fighting the traffic in young girls various she was not allured, hardly tempted, by the […]

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    fascination; charm. the means of . the act or process of . historical examples how true was this dream of theirs gathering detail and allurement as it p-ssed from sire to son! a man for the ages irving bach-ller “if i give her to them, she will never be a widow,” was the allurement there. […]

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    very attractive or tempting; enticing; seductive. fascinating; charming. historical examples the sun shone warm and bright; the chinook blew balmily and alluringly; the trail stretched before us dry and level. lucy maud montgomery short stories, 1909 to 1922 lucy maud montgomery might their melodies not strike freshly and alluringly on the ear to-day? a boswell […]

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    having reference to something implied or inferred; containing, abounding in, or characterized by . obsolete. metaphorical; symbolic; figurative. historical examples she rose with an air of dismissing the subject, though she continued to speak of it allusively. the high heart basil king why, he exclaimed, allusively to its l-strous brilliance, it laughs at you. the […]

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