
there are three logical meanings

1. bowling for soup (one of the best bands ever, they sing 1985).

2. bull-f-cking-sh-t
3. boyfriends, since bf is boyfriend (apparently)
“hey did you see that new bfs video?”
“what there’s a new one!?”

“i mean i’d never do that!”
“bfs, dude.”

“i was txtng my bfs n accdntly mixd there namez!”
bull f-cking sh-t
big f’ing shiii
i just took a bfs bro!

what…breadth first search?

no man, a big f’ing shiii!
blue face syndrome:

the loss of control over technology in one’s life characterized by a strong sense of reliance upon said technology by the person(s); the name refer’s to the ambient light reflection on one’s face when utilizing a phone/laptop/t.v./etc. in social scenario’s (bar, movie, etc.).
all the people in this bar have b.f.s.! they need to stop living in the digital world and get down!
plural of ‘bf,’ therefore ‘boyfriends’.
so dish, are there any bfs i should know about?
bad f-g swag ; typically means a handsome cute etc gay dude
dude: who is that dude?
dude 2: h-ll yea who is he?
dude: i think he bfs cause he baddd as h-ll 😉
dude 2: -shouts” w-ssup baby!?
bigger, faster, stronger
i hit the weight room hard, i had too get bfs for football season.
the b.f.s. is the big f-cking santa that stands in the lake in newtonville ma, right next to the dunkies. they put it up september and he is there until april. there is no missing him since he stands 80 feet tall.
who knows where they store that b-st-rd?
stupid bimbo: how do i get back to my car? i think i left it at the bar.

mckay: take a right outta here and then bank a left at the b.f.s. and the bar is 2 miles up on the right. see ya!

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