• Composting Toilet

    Composting toilet is a toilet that do not use any water. This type of toilet is a dry toilet. The toilet processes the human excreta by using harsh chemicals.

  • Puir

    adjective, Scot. 1. poor. 2. pure. adjective 1. a Scot word for poor

  • Puirtith

    noun 1. (Scot) poverty

  • Puisne

    adjective 1. Law. younger; inferior in rank; junior, as in appointment. noun 2. an associate judge as distinguished from a chief justice. adjective 1. (esp of a subordinate judge) of lower rank

  • Puissance

    noun, Literary. 1. power, might, or force. noun 1. a competition in showjumping that tests a horse’s ability to jump a limited number of large obstacles 2. (archaic or poetic) power

  • Forelady

    [fawr-ley-dee, fohr-] /ˈfɔrˌleɪ di, ˈfoʊr-/ noun, plural foreladies. 1. a forewoman.

  • Roundness

    adjective, rounder, roundest. 1. having a flat, circular surface, as a disk. 2. ring-shaped, as a hoop. 3. curved like part of a circle, as an outline. 4. having a circular cross section, as a cylinder; cylindrical. 5. spherical or globular, as a ball. 6. shaped more or less like a part of a sphere; […]

  • Gulling

    [guhl] /gʌl/ verb (used with object) 1. to deceive, trick, or cheat. noun 2. a person who is easily deceived or cheated; dupe. /ɡʌl/ noun 1. any aquatic bird of the genus Larus and related genera, such as L. canus (common gull or mew) having long pointed wings, short legs, and a mostly white plumage: […]

  • McKuen

    [muh-kyoo-uh n] /məˈkyu ən/ noun 1. Rod, 1933–2015, U.S. poet and songwriter.

  • Platitudinize

    [plat-i-tood-n-ahyz, -tyood-] /ˌplæt ɪˈtud n aɪz, -ˈtyud-/ verb (used without object), platitudinized, platitudinizing. 1. to utter . /ˌplætɪˈtjuːdɪˌnaɪz/ verb 1. (intransitive) to speak or write in platitudes