• Composting Toilet

    Composting toilet is a toilet that do not use any water. This type of toilet is a dry toilet. The toilet processes the human excreta by using harsh chemicals.

  • Puir

    adjective, Scot. 1. poor. 2. pure. adjective 1. a Scot word for poor

  • Puirtith

    noun 1. (Scot) poverty

  • Puisne

    adjective 1. Law. younger; inferior in rank; junior, as in appointment. noun 2. an associate judge as distinguished from a chief justice. adjective 1. (esp of a subordinate judge) of lower rank

  • Puissance

    noun, Literary. 1. power, might, or force. noun 1. a competition in showjumping that tests a horse’s ability to jump a limited number of large obstacles 2. (archaic or poetic) power

  • Unprepossessing

    [pree-puh-zes-ing] /ˌpri pəˈzɛs ɪŋ/ adjective 1. that impresses favorably; engaging or attractive: a confident and prepossessing young man. unprepossessing /ˌʌnpriːpəˈzɛsɪŋ/ adjective 1. not creating a favourable impression; unattractive prepossessing /ˌpriːpəˈzɛsɪŋ/ adjective 1. creating a favourable impression; attractive

  • Schizophyte

    noun 1. any of the Schizophyta, a group of organisms comprising the schizomycetes and the schizophyceous algae, characterized by a simple structure and reproduction by simple fission or spores.

  • Watchful

    adjective 1. vigilant or alert; closely observant: The sentry remained watchful throughout the night. 2. Archaic. wakeful. adjective 1. vigilant or alert 2. (archaic) not sleeping

  • Re-adjudication

    [uh-joo-di-key-shuh n] /əˌdʒu dɪˈkeɪ ʃən/ noun 1. an act of adjudicating. 2. Law. n. 1690s, from French adjudication or directly from Late Latin adjudicationem (nominative adjudicatio), noun of action from past participle stem of adjudicare (see adjudge).

  • Proportionally

    [pruh-pawr-shuh-nl, -pohr-] /prəˈpɔr ʃə nl, -ˈpoʊr-/ adjective 1. having due proportion; corresponding. 2. being in or characterized by proportion. 3. of, relating to, or based on proportion; relative. 4. Mathematics. (of two quantities) having the same or a constant ratio or relation: The quantities y and x are proportional if y/x = k, where k […]