
any of several groups of RNA-containing viruses that are transmitted by bloodsucking arthropods, as ticks, fleas, or mosquitoes, and may cause encephalitis, yellow fever, or dengue fever.
any one of a group of viruses that cause such diseases as encephalitis and dengue and are transmitted to humans by arthropods, esp insects and ticks

arbovirus ar·bo·vi·rus (är’bə-vī’rəs) or ar·bor·vi·rus (är’bər-)
Any of a large group of viruses transmitted by arthropods, such as mosquitoes and ticks, that include the causative agents of encephalitis, yellow fever, and dengue.
Any of a large group of RNA viruses that are transmitted primarily by arthropods, such as mosquitoes and ticks. The more than 400 species were originally considered to be a single group, but are now divided among four families: Togaviridae, Flaviviridae, Bunyaviridae, and Arenaviridae. These viruses cause a variety of infectious diseases in humans, including rubella, yellow fever, and dengue.

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