
a backhanded slap, punch, stroke, or play.
British Slang.

a drink served out of turn to a guest as a bottle or decanter is passed around the table during dessert.
a bribe.

Historical Examples

A few blows of scorn might suffice—a backhander across the snout, a few swishes with a stick, a kick behind when he turned.
The Devil’s Garden W. B. Maxwell

He administered a backhander to Elgood as he spoke, and the next minute Charlie, roused beyond all bearing, had knocked him down.
St. Winifred’s Frederic W. Farrar

But no vibration of any such impatience was in Merivales voice, and in his words there was no backhander to answer it.
The Angel of Pain E. F. Benson

a backhanded stroke or blow
(informal) an indirect attack
(slang) a bribe


A blow made with the back of a hand, esp to the face
Secret payment

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