Alejo [uh-ley-hoh;; Spanish ah-le-haw] /əˈleɪ hoʊ;; Spanish ɑˈlɛ hɔ/ (Show IPA), 1904–80, Cuban novelist, writer, and musicologist.
Historical Examples
Madame Carpentier’s earrings were two great pearls, worth at least two hundred dollars.
Strange True Stories of Louisiana George Washington Cable
If it is as certain as this we shall put our money on Carpentier.
Punch, or the London Charivari, May 13, 1914 Various
It took him all his time to remember that a harp was like water and Carpentier like a Greek god.
Balloons Elizabeth Bibesco
Bridau’s hand was grasped by Mignonnet, Carpentier, and several others.
The Two Brothers Honore de Balzac
Carpentier, not to be outdone, draws for me a huge fist encased in a boxing glove.
My Wonderful Visit Charlie Chaplin
It was included in the scope of Carpentier’s punch, we feared.
Pieces of Hate Heywood Broun
We are not a turncoat; we had hoped that Carpentier would win.
Plum Pudding Christopher Morley
Carpentier, at the opposite corner, was apparently at ease; sat smilingly in his gray and black gown, watching the airplanes.
Plum Pudding Christopher Morley
It was gone the instant Carpentier came in sight of his ninety thousand.
Pieces of Hate Heywood Broun
Carpentier, too, must have been leaving something to the gods, for his tactics were wildly reckless.
Plum Pudding Christopher Morley
Georges (ʒɔrʒ), known as Gorgeous Georges. 1894–1975, French boxer: world light-heavyweight champion (1920–22)
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