[kohld-kok] /ˈkoʊldˌkɒk/
verb (used with object), Slang.
to knock (someone) unconscious, as with the fist.
The act of knocking someone unconscious quickly before the victim can resist
To knock someone unconscious; KNOCK someone OUT: He told me to step aside and I wouldn’t, so he cold cocked me/ He was going to die, cold-cocked and kicked senseless by a couple of redneck ranchers
[1918+; origin uncertain; perhaps fr the hammering of caulking into a boat’s or ship’s seams; perhaps related to Canadian loggers’ put the caulks to someone, ”stamp in someone’s face with spiked boots”]
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- Cold-cock
[kohld-kok] /ˈkoʊldˌkɒk/ verb (used with object), Slang. 1. to knock (someone) unconscious, as with the fist.
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[kohld-kok] /ˈkoʊldˌkɒk/ verb (used with object), Slang. 1. to knock (someone) unconscious, as with the fist.
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