Five-case note
noun phrase
A five-dollar bill (1920s+)
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- Five-civilized-nations
plural noun 1. the collective name for the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole tribes of Indians who, in spite of their adaptation to European culture, were deported to the Indian Territory from 1830 to 1840.
- Five-dollar gold piece
Related Terms come up smelling like a rose
- Five-eighth
noun 1. (Austral) (in rugby) a player positioned between the scrum-half and the inside -centre 2. (NZ) (in rugby) either of two players positioned between the halfback and the centre
- Five-Elements School
[fahyv-el-uh-muh nts] /ˈfaɪvˈɛl ə mənts/ noun 1. .
- Five-faced bishop
noun 1. (Brit) another name for moschatel