
Allen, 1926–97, U.S. poet associated with the Beat Generation.
Contemporary Examples

The dean was too embarrassed to repeat out loud what Ginsberg had written on his window.
The Mystery of the Allen Ginsberg-Diana Trilling Feud Gregory Curtis June 11, 2013

The archive is filled with correspondences from Ginsberg and other lovers, but one letter stands out.
The Mystery of the Allen Ginsberg-Diana Trilling Feud Gregory Curtis June 11, 2013

In one, Ginsberg receives oral sex from a woman in a library, but can only reach completion after locking eyes with Carr.
Stop Obsessing Over Daniel Radcliffe’s Gay Sex Scene in ‘Kill Your Darlings’ Kevin Fallon October 15, 2013

He plays the poet and intellectual Ginsberg as poetic and intellectual.
Lawsuit Over a Bad NYU Grade? Put James Franco in Detention! Lee Siegel December 21, 2011

Frank referred Ginsberg to several of his own printers, who made photographic prints from his old dime store negatives.
Allen Ginsberg’s Beat Memories Philip Gefter April 28, 2010

They held spirited informal readings from City Lights editions of Ginsberg, and opined on monetary policy.
The Occupy Wall Street Blow-by-Blow Matthew DeLuca October 6, 2011

That whole subplot seemed to me like a reference to the Ginsberg poem “Howl” and the idea of man rebelling against the status quo.
John Slattery on the ‘Mad Men’ Midseason Finale, Roger Sterling’s Power Move, and ‘God’s Pocket’ Marlow Stern May 25, 2014

Historical Examples

Drawing the toxicologist Dr. Ginsberg with his smooth face modified into a chemical retort had not turned out well.
The Trial of Callista Blake Edgar Pangborn

Dr. Ginsberg gives a striking résumé of the different theories of its teaching which have been promulgated.
Who Wrote the Bible? Washington Gladden

A very particular though succinct account of all these theories, ancient and modern, may be found in a work by Dr. Ginsberg.
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1 Various

Allen. 1926–97, US poet of the Beat Generation. His poetry includes Howl (1956) and Kaddish (1960)

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