
Adolph, 1903–74, U.S. painter.
Contemporary Examples

I read the works of Gottlieb Frege despite his anti-Semitism.
Should You Boycott Me? Samuel Lebens November 26, 2012

Donadio and Gottlieb agreed that Toole was “wildly funny, often funnier than almost anyone else around, and our kind of funny.”
The Professor and the Doomsday Clock: ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’ & Signs of John Kennedy Toole’s Suicide Cory MacLauchlin December 16, 2012

Gottlieb is right that a niche generation, born in the ’60s and ’70s, find themselves in an unprecedented position.
Give Up on Mr. Perfect? Liesl Schillinger January 31, 2010

In my own life, I have known many such persons, by no means all of them actors—indeed one of them is Gottlieb himself.
The World’s Greatest Actress Michael Korda September 24, 2010

Gottlieb moans about the misery of the sad, pathetic single woman, stuck at home with Netflix.
Give Up on Mr. Perfect? Liesl Schillinger January 31, 2010

Historical Examples

“Mr. Gottlieb is the grocer from whom the Joneses bought their supplies,” said Chick, who had advanced to Nick’s side.
The Crime of the French Caf and Other Stories Nicholas Carter

Gottlieb did not return to the Caf Nrnberg until after nine o’clock.
A Romance Of Tompkins Square Thomas A. Janvier

“They’ll get that in due time, my friend,” said Andrew, untying the rope with which Gottlieb had been pinioned.
The End Of The World Edward Eggleston

Gottlieb asked, when they had somewhat disentangled themselves.
A Romance Of Tompkins Square Thomas A. Janvier

They appeared somewhat displeased, and returned Gottlieb’s bow with a stiff and cold salute.
The Home in the Valley Emilie F. Carln

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