
[rey-dee-uh ns] /ˈreɪ di əns/

brightness or light:
the radiance of the tropical sun.
warm, cheerful brightness:
the radiance of her expression.
Rare. .
noun (pl) -ances, -ancies
the quality or state of being radiant
a measure of the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface. It is the radiant intensity in a given direction of a small element of surface area divided by the orthogonal projection of this area onto a plane at right angles to the direction Le

c.1600, “brilliant light,” from radiant or else from Medieval Latin radiantia “brightness,” from radiare “to beam, shine” (see radiation). Figurative use from 1761. Related: Radiancy.

radiance ra·di·ance (rā’dē-əns) or ra·di·an·cy (-ən-sē)

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